We are currently making improvements to our website.
We look forward to our 2025 sale.
Private: Our philosophy
We have been breeders of commercial Droughtmaster cattle since 1969
After over 50 years of selection we have developed a type of Droughtmaster animal that is proven to handle our environment and has widespread market suitability (live export to MSA).
The core of our selection process is the ability to get in calf every year. The result of this philosophy is an animal with higher Brahman content than is currently fashionable (DNA Verified at around 66%), extremely reliable reproductive performance and quite high growth rates.
Research has proven that Bos indicus cattle have a significantly more efficient rumen than Bos taurus animals. This is important for the performance of our herd and our business. As recorded in the report of McLean and Blakeley (MLAProject Code B.NBP.0779) Bos Indicus cows weighing 550Kg and 6 months pregnant have the nutritional requirements of 1.12 Adult Equivalents whereas the same Bos taurus cow requires 1.24 AE. That 10% extra tucker is hard to find sometimes.
We contend we have developed a highly adapted herd by indirect selection for a very efficient Rumen. Our cattle can survive, thrive, reproduce and grow well in the Northern Australian environment.

Our aim is to breed functional environmentally adapted cattle that can not only grow fat in the good seasons but survive and reproduce in the all too frequent droughts.
Our breeding herd is the product of more than 4 decades of unrelenting selection for functionality and fertility in a real world commercial environment.
All bulls experience very little handling, allowing for the identification of natural docility rather than educated tolerance of humans.