Contact Us

Our motto with our vet and consulting clients is “Don’t tell me, Show me” and we’d love to show you our operation.

Please feel free to contact us for a personalized tour of the property and an insight into to the enterprise. “Valera Vale” is located just south of Augathella with access via Valera Vale Rd which connects with the Mitchell highway midway between Charleville and Augathella (where the highway crosses the Warrego river). The homestead is 12 km from the highway.

We have a 1000m airstrip at the homestead.

Contact us directly or through your preferred agent.

Michael and Tracey live at Milbong near Boonah in SEQ.

John and Nikki Cleary live on Avilion, Greymare Qld at our bull preparation depot

Jess Flynn and Robert Haigh our SEQ managers live at Rosevale, Qld 




Michael and Tracey Flynn

Milbong Phone:        (07) 54 635 893

Fax:                          (07) 54 635 032

Mobile:                      0427 705 760

Valera Vale Phone:  (07) 46 545 233


Postal:                       624 Roadvale Harrisville Rd., Milbong Q 4310



John and Nikki Cleary

Mobile:                 0429 647 259


Postal:                  Avilion., Greymare Q 4370


Robert Haigh and Jess Flynn

Mobile:                0418 779 381


Postal:             680 Rosevale Rd, Rosevale Qld

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